Nick H.

A site about my art. Born in Seattle, WA. Oil paint, pan pastel, graphite and watercolor are my mediums.
When I do my projects my end result is to have the closest Finished project to that of my reference or what I imagine. Photo realistic is my end result goal.
Keep experimenting with all mediums that I think I can use to produce the results I need.
Nick Hayes
Personal Projects
• Draw, paint, and create artwork in pen, pastels, watercolor, graphite, and oil
Preparing for a career serving the public, through education, on-the-job training, and an aptitude for solving problems
Known for strong focus and maintaining diligence throughout each day
Lifelong love for learning new knowledge and skills
Effective contributor to teams and collaborator in groups
Assoc. in Arts/Science, Criminal Justice – Direct Transfer (in Progress) | Est. Completion June, 202
Everett Community College, Everett, WA
Will continue on to a university to obtain a Bachelor Degree
Personal Projects
Draw, paint, and create artwork in pen, pastels, watercolor, graphite, and oil – both personal projects and commissioned
Provided hospice care for a family member to maintain a healthy and safe living standard